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Software for Phylogeny
- distmat - Create a distance matrix
from multiple alignments
(part of the EMBOSS package)
- Drawtree - Interactively plot an
unrooted tree diagram
- eclique - Obtain the largest cliques of
characters and the trees which they suggest using the compatibility
method for unrooted two-state characters
(part of the EMBOSS package)
- econsense - Create a consensus tree
using the majority-rule and strict consensus tree methods
(part of the EMBOSS package)
- econtml - Estimate phylogenies by the
restricted maximum likelihood using either gene frequencies or
continuous characters
(part of the EMBOSS package)
- econtrast - Compute contrasts between
species for each character
(part of the EMBOSS package)
- ednacomp - Find the most parsimonious
tree using DNA compatibility
(part of the EMBOSS package)
- ednadist - Compute a distance matrix
from nucleotide sequences
(part of the EMBOSS package)
- ednainvar - Compute phylogenetic
invariants from nucleotide sequences
(part of the EMBOSS package)
- ednaml - Estimate phylogenies using the
maximum likelihood method for DNA sequences
(part of the EMBOSS package)
- ednamlk - Estimate phylogenies using the
maximum likelihood method for DNA sequences with a molecular clock
(part of the EMBOSS package)
- ednapars - Find all of the most
parsimonious trees using DNA sequence parsimony criteria
(part of the EMBOSS package)
- ednapenny - Find all of the most
parsimonious trees using DNA sequence parsimony criteria and the
"branch and bound" algorithm
(part of the EMBOSS package)
- edollop - Find all of the most
parsimonious trees using the Dollo or polymorphism parsimony
(part of the EMBOSS package)
- edolpenny - Find all of the most
parsimonious trees using the Dollo or polymorphism parsimony
criteria and the "branch and bound" algorithm
(part of the EMBOSS package)
- efactor - Convert multistate
characters to binary characters
(part of the EMBOSS package)
- efitch - Calculate distances using the
Fitch-Margoliash and Least-Squares methods
(part of the EMBOSS package)
- egendist - Compute genetic distances
from gene frequencies
(part of the EMBOSS package)
- ekitsch - Calculate distances using the
Fitch-Margoliash and Least Squares methods with an evolutionary clock
(part of the EMBOSS package)
- emix - Find all of the most
parsimonious trees using the mixed parsimony methods
(part of the EMBOSS package)
- eneighbor - Create a phylogenetic tree
using neighbor-joining and UPGMA methods
(part of the EMBOSS package)
- epenny - Find all of the most
parsimonious trees
(part of the EMBOSS package)
- eprotdist - Compute a distance matrix
from protein sequences
(part of the EMBOSS package)
- eprotpars - Find all of the most
parsimonious trees using protein sequence parsimony criteria
(part of the EMBOSS package)
- erestml - Create a phylogenetic tree
using the maximum likelihood method for restriction sites
(part of the EMBOSS package)
- eseqboot - Resample molecular sequence,
restriction site, gene frequency or character data using
bootstrapping, jackknifing or permutations
(part of the EMBOSS package)
- NJplot - Draw any phylogenetic
tree expressed in the Newick phylogenetic tree format (e.g., the
format used by the PHYLIP package)
- Phyml - Estimate large phylogenies
using the maximum likelihood method