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Software for Sequence Alignment - Local
  • BLAST using TimeLogic - Find regions of local similarity between sequences using TimeLogic DeCypher accelerator cards
    • blastp - Compare peptide sequence queries to peptide sequence databases
    • blastn - Compare nucleotide sequence queries to nucleotide sequence databases
    • blastx - Compare nucleotide sequence queries, dynamically translated in all 6 reading frames, to peptide sequence databases
    • tblastn - Compare peptide sequence queries to nucleotide sequence databases dynamically translated in all 6 reading frames
    • tblastx - Compare nucleotide sequence queries dynamically translated in all 6 reading frames to nucleotide sequence databases dynamically translated in all 6 reading frames (6 x 6 = 36 pairwise combinations of reading frames)
  • Blat - BLAST-like searches against a genome instead of a target database
  • matcher - Find the best local alignment between two sequences (part of the EMBOSS package)
  • MegaBLAST - Align DNA sequences that differ only by sequencing errors, or by equivalent errors from other sources
  • MSPcrunch - Filter and parse raw BLAST output
  • MUMmer - Rapidly align entire genomes and ultra-fast alignment of large-scale DNA and protein sequences
  • seqmatchall - All-against-all comparison of a set of sequences (part of the EMBOSS package)
  • supermatcher - Match large sequences against one or more sequences (part of the EMBOSS package)
  • water - Smith-Waterman local alignment (part of the EMBOSS package)
  • wordmatch - Find all exact matches of a given size between two sequences (part of the EMBOSS package)
  • WU BLAST - Gapped BLAST
    • blastp - Compare peptide sequence queries to peptide sequence databases
    • blastn - Compare nucleotide sequence queries to nucleotide sequence databases
    • blastx - Compare nucleotide sequence queries, dynamically translated in all 6 reading frames, to peptide sequence databases
    • tblastn - Compare peptide sequence queries to nucleotide sequence databases dynamically translated in all 6 reading frames
    • tblastx - Compare nucleotide sequence queries dynamically translated in all 6 reading frames to nucleotide sequence databases dynamically translated in all 6 reading frames (6 x 6 = 36 pairwise combinations of reading frames)
University of California, San Diego